take home the prospect,

you playa.



Confidently rely on your messaging and copy to make the lay

Get Laid


Your copy can be more than just a 

It should translate your offline personality online, and see you all the way through – straight to the sale.

Not sure when you checked your job description last, but feeling “too close” to your offers is on there.

For real. Go look!

You’re not the only one who feels “too inside of it” when they sit down to write an email or sales page.

It sucks because you’re the best person to write your copy. You know eeeeverything about your brand – but the word constipation is REAL!

Getting the words right can feel too hard to do solo, so it just keeps getting pushed down your list.




In 1 week, we'll hyper-focus on your website copy, sales emails, or whatever is chapping your ass.

We’re taking your offline personality online, making your copy easy to write and high-converting. You’ll have snippets of copy on tap, so you always know what to say.

Get the words out-of-your-head and onto-the-screen while you develop the copywriting skills to always make the sale with your WORDS.

I’m not just making your copy pretty, or doing it for you – although I’ll help you edit your copy to completion.

(”Completion” – heh heh)



how it works

bed your leads:

(since nobody likes surprises)


During your Strategy Session, we’ll set the scope and agenda, then create your Messaging Strategy.

TUES - THURS: Co-Writing

I’ll load up your Notion Dashboard with your custom wireframes, and we’ll co-write within the pages.


We’ll use Voxer to talk-it-out and make real-time decisions. Plus I’ll coach you through all your copy edits.

swipe right

No walk of shame here.

Tackle your copy projects as you learn to write copy that converts and sounds like you.

(It’s called condensing time, baby!)


  • 90-Min Strategy Session
  • Messaging Strategy & Cheatsheet
  • Brand Voice Guide
  • Copywriting Wireframes
  • 4 Co-Writing Days
  • Voxer Support (M-F)

$2,900 pay-in-full

$725/mo (For 4 Months)

I’m the face of “she has a great personality,” which is better for copywriting than dating.

hey, i'm emelie!

As a copywriting coach, I teach you to write copy that converts and sounds like you. That way, you can bring leads home to meet your mama for every major holiday.

(Can’t help you with the “so when ya gonna have kids?” interrogation, though…)

Through 7 years of copywriting, I’ve seen (time & time again) that you’re the best person to write your own copy.

Regardless of what you sell — you sell words! MY job is to equip you to nail the words each time and make it stupid-easy to write them.

Let’s getcha  laid   booked!


frequently asked questions

Before you slip into something more comfortable…

I’m concerned about timezones – how do we make this work long distance?

I might be in Texas (CST), but I work with folks all over. I’m Mrs. Worldwide.

Typically, Strategy Calls are scheduled on the Monday of your copy sprint. If you’re outside of the US, we’ll schedule yours for the Friday prior to your week. This ensures we’re not cutting into your co-writing time, so you get the same amount of support and edits as everyone else.

How much time do I need to put into this relationship sprint?

The average sprint requires 2-3 hours of your time each day, including your initial Strategy Session.

I do NOT overlap copy sprints, so I’m exclusively available for you during your week. This is self-led, so I will match how much time you put into your sprint.

What can we get done, deliverable-wise?

We can wireframe up to three (3) web pages, or tackle up to six (6) emails.

If you need a mash-up of both, we can wireframe one (1) web page, and up to four (4) emails. You’re welcome to book another week or holler at me to inquire about my 4-week copy sprint, which are available on a case-by-case basis.

I already have Messaging for my offer/service – can we still work together?

You probably know, but I’m not a 13-page brand bible kinda copywriter. We can definitely work together, but I’d like to take a gander at your Messaging ahead-of-time. Chances are, we still need to use your Strategy Call to condense it down and/or rework elements.

If I get my eyeballs on it and it’s 100%, then we’ll just jump right into copywriting!

I’ve done this with you before! Can I use our Strategy Call for something else?

Why are you here instead of my DMs?! But absolutely.

We’ll use your Strategy Call to live workshop your copy for 90 minutes instead of defaulting to Notion and Voxer immediately.

Not sure 1 week is enough…

You like to take things slow & steady, huh? Okay, okay. You have a few options:

1.) You might be surprised at how much you can tackle in a week. You could start with 1 week and consider re-booking another.
2.) Or, you could give me a holler about my 4-week sprint. These are available on a case-by-case basis.

one week in heaven will land you the clients of your dreams.

Learn to write copy you can rely on to make the sale.


"Not only did we get a shit-ton done, but I have so many handy hints to keep my writing more on track. Emelie's feedback on my writing was honest, clear, helpful and sharp. Loved it. Wish I had that kinda Head Honcho in my life way more often."

- Hayley, Art Therapist

"I felt like I was on a copy bootcamp and my brain got truly stretched out and spun around a few times. I loved how you helped me extract and weave everything together. I cannot wait to roll out this new copy and bring it across the messaging and marketing for each of my offers. I also feel like I'm a better copywriter now."

- Ceels, Offer Strategist

"I'd always been a decent writer, but I didn't know how to hone in for a sales technique – or form a strategy that would work. It was like I was on my own little island, sending out messages in a bottle every so often. Best investment I made this year."

- Rachel, UX Designer

"I used some of the Messaging we worked on … and the chat blew up. Feeling SO good about my emails. Holy smokes. You’re taking my anxiety away one comment at a time."

- Brigitta, Personal Stylist