Become a faster copywriter by knowing WHAT to say and HOW to say it
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[*cue canned laughter*]
You need to figure out how to condense eeeeeeverything you know about your offer and all its value into copy. That way, you can answer all their buying decision questions with a quick lil DM. Or when you’re put on the spot, you can whip out snippets about your offers.
We do this by creating a messaging strategy, using it to prompt your sales copy!
Or as the girlbosses say: iT dOeSn’T MoVe tHe NeEdLe FoRwArD
Your audience needs to know a couple things right-off-the-bat before they even CONSIDER what you’re selling. They’re asking:
1. Is this relevant for me?
2. Can this fix my boo boo?
3. How’s this gonna work?
And sure, if you got on a 1:1 call with them or did some voice messages back & forth – you could answer all of them.
Firehosing. Actual diarrhea at the mouth. I cannot be stopped. Must… tell them… all… the things!!
Constipation. Just can’t get the words out, lots of “uhs” and “buts,” and maybe your armpits are sweating?????
Gets a condensed version of their word vomit.
Gets spoon-fed words to rinse & repeat.
Everyone and their mother’s cousin’s guinea pig is trying to sTaNd OuT.
And with all these beige blob brands, it shouldn’t be that hard…
But you've been fed “cLeAr > cLeVer” marketing advice through a feeding tube since your business was born.
It’s bullsh*t. And it doesn’t work.
I ain’t a guinea pig!
And you SHOULD, which is why I use humor to help creators get their edge in tHe SpAcE.
Humor makes us human and helps us connect with others, which is the underlying foundation of brand building – and sales!
Humor is serious business, and how you can charm and disarm their way to profit and authority.
You can be clear AND clever.
Years as
Mrs. Steal-Yo-Voice
(Or, Copywriting)
Sales Pages Rescued from “LeVeL uP!” Copy
Emails Written to Bring in Lols & Cash-Money
What’s your brand’s Humor Type?
Find your funny, then learn how you can incorporate it into your copy!
Write clear AND clever sales copy to capture more attention and convert better than your last launch.
3-Month Strategy & Coaching
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You’ve done the learning, taken the programs and don’t need another course. You’re not here to FAFO – you’re here to IMPLEMENT.
COMMUNITY coaching calls
Bring whatever sales, copy or content projects are chapping your ass. First Tuesday of every month.
aka, never wrong