The Copy Cantina

Profitable copy strategies for creative entrepreneurs, minus the #girlboss garnish.

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it me. i'm emelie.

I break creatives out of #girlboss jail on the reg by teaching copy to sell your shizz.

(Not with a crowbar. I know. Surprising.)

As a copywriting coach for creatives and service providers, I teach you to write copy that converts and sounds like you.

Regardless of what you sell–you sell words juuuuust like me. (OMGEE, #twinning)

My job is to equip you to nail the words you write each time and make it stupid-easy to write them.

Hold onto your butts! We’re about to make you a lot of friends money.

let's fall in love

Copywriting Mentor
for creatives

make more money.

Stand Up Copy

Personality Profits

Humor Copywriting Group Program

1:1 Done-With-You Copy sprint

Copy Rider Mentorship

1:1 coaching for copywriters

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