Geez, talk about the least nuanced
marketing advice like… EVER

Clear > clever



Years as
Mrs. Steal-Yo-Voice
(Or, Copywriting)

Sales Pages Rescued from “LeVeL uP!” Copy

Emails Written to Bring in Lols & Cash-Money

Why I’m qualified to help you take off your starched business pants:

Maybe a gal should offer to buy ya dinner first… how about tex-mex?

When everyone is forcing controversy and hot takes for engagement, your humor will make you stand out.

Nobody’s asked for a link to buy because they read your “unpopular opinion, buuut…” post.

Humor makes us human and helps us connect with others, which is the underlying foundation of brand building – and sales!

And everyone is funny. (Yes, even you “chronically un-funny.”)

Humor ≠ comedy.

It’s the trickiest myth I address on a DAILY basis. When we think about humor, we picture BIG personality extroverts on stage with witty comebacks and jabs.

But humor is simply having a mindset of levity. (Read this blog post about the difference between levity, humor and comedy.)

Everyone has their own kind of funny and when you bring it into your brand, you’ll:

🎙️ Charm & disarm your way to profit & authority.
🎙️ Easily write copy that sounds like you.
🎙️ Stack yes’s with a stickier brand.

It’s not just about making people laugh – it’s about making them listen, connect, and uh – yeah, open their wallets.

My goal isn’t to turn you into a comedic creator.

Instead, I’m going to teach you to navigate your brand with levity and flex your humor throughout your copy.

So no, I don’t expect you to be fall-down funny. I want you to embrace your natural tendency towards levity and make some bank.

Emelie Sanders

Easy is my zodiac sign. My middle name. My enneagram.

After 7 years of writing for literally-anyone-with-something-to-sell and making their copy instantly recognizable – “ohmygod, I wouldn’t be at this workshop if it weren’t for that ONE email!” – I realized maybe this ISN’T what I should be doing.

Hear me out. It was never my idea to teach copywriting.

My entire entrepreneurial ~jOuRnEy~ started with a clothing company. And have you seen how I dress?

I sold it and took a chance on business coaching when my peers wanted to know how I did it. And by “it,” I mean putting together my first digital products and email list, selling spreadsheet downloads and anything else I pulled out of my ass.

After the students became the masters, they came back to sell their own coaching services… but they didn’t know what to say. Lucky for them, I always know what to say.

*Business coaching exits left stage, marketing services enters stage right.*

So I wrote sales pages and email funnels and messaging guides–oh my!

Head Honcho of Pass the Queso, and sales strategist

WARNING: I considered writing this in 3rd person so I didn’t sound conceited. I also considered ghost writing as a man so nobody would skip a beat, but HERE I GO.

Then I made my first $30k+ launch from email marketing.

Next up: An on-the-spot Marketing Director position with a business coach in the culinary space. I spent every Q4 launch planning and the rest of the year implementing each campaign.

I’ve launched and maintained yuuuuge email lists, designed email campaigns that brought in a lot of LOLs and cash-money, then consulted with others to do the same.

I quickly realized I kick ass at copy + pasting people’s voices, writing copy that converts, and I started fighting the urge to half-ass any non-copy projects. #sorrynotsorry

So after bitchin’ about my pattern of starting multiple businesses only to make a butt-ton of sales and feel completely unfulfilled – my mentor called me out.

She told me that my copy was KILLER. And everything else I did was… meh. I’m paraphrasing, but she was right! I could sell actual 💩 with my emails.

(So if your offer is literal dog sh*t, we could probably still work together. Just saying.)

At least, that’s what they say. I should request proof.

I’ve seen firsthand that you’re the best person to write your own copy. And my co-creation approach helps you learn those skills and try ‘em on in a safe place.

let's level up!

jk, i'd never
say that.

write copy. make money.

coaches, teaching folks how to write copy that converts and sounds like them, and a newsletter that makes people roll-on-the-floor-laughing.


I'm known for poking fun at

i named this business after a restaurant.

We’ve celebrated, cried,
and worked through
tough sh*t over margs
and queso here.


This is Delfina. We’ve been regulars at her restaurant
for 2 decades. (And yes, that margarita flight goes HAARRDDD.)

It’s my second home, or “Third Place” – a term referring to
where folks spend time between home and work.

I want your brand to be a Third Place for your clients.

and other facts!

(You decide if they’re fun or not.)

  • I'm the proud owner of 4 kids (can I say that?) – even though they ensure I’m awake by 6 am every morning and cost me $16 in cake pops every time we go through Starbucks.

  • Favorite date: Eating a rare steak with sweet potato fries while my boyfriend and I spend the dinner eavesdropping on the couple behind us, exchanging over-the-top facial expressions at ALL THE DRAMA.

  • I popped out my first kid at 18 and started an online reselling business, baby-wearing my daughter around secondhand stores because my job wouldn’t take me back and I couldn’t afford daycare anyway. My business grew, I learned a sh*t ton about marketing, and my peers wanted to know how I did it.

  • Gary V made thrift flipping cool around this time, so I sold my company and took a chance on business coaching this niche.

  • I got married at 21. It didn’t work out. Next bullet point. HAHAHA

  • After various entrepreneurial pursuits, I became the Marketing Director for a business coach in the culinary industry. We couldn’t find an industry-specific designer, so I stepped up to design brands & websites for her clients on the side.

  • I launched and maintained huge email lists, designed email campaigns that brought in a lot of LOLs and cash-money, then consulted with others to do the same. I quickly realized I kick ass at making like Ursula and stealing people’s voices, writing copy that converts and I started fighting the urge to half-ass any non-copy projects.

  • I’ve gone full creator mode and pretty much just write for myself, since I’m hyper-fixating on getting others to do the same for the rest of my life.

  • When I say, “I don’t share my food,” I mean it and would argue it’s genetic because my children are the same. I once lowkey lost my brain at Thanksgiving because someone took a bite of my sweet potato casserole.

I’m so f’n tired of the 13-page Google Doc Messaging Bibles.

They get all crusty & dusty. You maybe look at it… once?

I’m not going to waste ANYONE’S time creating a document that you leave to die in Google Drive with your 2021 tax return and divorce decree.

Your messaging strategy should be a bite-size, focused resource you can refer to when you write any of your copy.

Like with my messaging cheatsheet, which is only 7-lines long.

It WORKS and my students LOVE it.
This is the “clear” step in writing clear AND clever copy!
It’s usable for big ‘ole projects like wireframing a website, or day-to-day content like selling in Stories.

An approach that works AND requires less brain calories is more impressive than a look-how-difficult-I-made-this approach.

Just sayin’.

Become a faster copywriter by knowing WHAT to say and HOW to say it.

Regardless of what you sell, you sell words.

Subscribe to my emails and get stupid-easy messaging, sales copy and humor tips ⤵︎