How Brand-ifying Your Offer Makes People Buy In

Brand Voice, Launching

When we sell an offer, we’re told to focus on benefits > features and sell a transformation.

We’re also told people buy people.

That’s why personal brands are THE SH*T right now. They’re eeeeeeverywhere.

When we merge both ideologies, you land in this realm where we basically create personal brands for our offers.

I call this brand-ifying, and it makes people buy-in and stick around in your universe.

Despite traditional storytelling approaches to messaging, I’m a copywriter that loves to think about the entire universe revolving around me. (HAHA)

Everything works together and compliments my overall brand, but each offer is its own planet with their own weird thing going on there.

Personality Profits is a planet of cowgirls in the wild copywriting west and Copy Rider is a a planet of moto skeleton mamas blowing cash out their exhaust.

If you do it right, brand-ifying works because once people venture into your universe… they want to start exploring.

Your messaging is solid and everything is so intertwined, folks don’t even pause to go – ”oh, wow – this messaging is great.”

They just keep digging deeper, seeing how each offer brings them into a new space and closer to the creator – aka, YOU!

Brand-ifying your offer brings plain concepts like POVs to life. It gives visual branding meaning and it gives copy something tangible.

Brand-ifying infuses your entire universe… er, business with personality.

But you have no business brand-ifying your offer without having some basics nailed down first.

Sure you could invest a butt-ton of time into a creative ‘lil project… but it won’t pay off and your business isn’t a hobby.

Let’s check in:


This shouldn’t be your first rodeo. You’ve “been there, done that” with the offer-in-question, so you’re cozy with everything from launching to basic offer building. This also means you have proof of the transformation you sell.

Meaning, you have a stash of testimonials and strangely enough, past clients engage with you even when you’re re-launching the offer THEY ALREADY BOUGHT.


Your program has a clear promise and you KNOW it’s the core design of your ideal client.

How do you know? See above.

Not to mention, your POV is hella clear to anyone who glances your way and it makes your copy sticky. (In a good way, not like wet fruit snacks.)

After running folks through your offer and enough market research calls, you also figured out what speaks to your people. Messaging could always use optimizing and updating, but yours is WORKING.

Relevancy = sales.


If you’re constantly struggle bussing to content plan or hit “Publish” – you’re not ready to brand-ify your offer.

Not because audience size is correlated to your launching potential, but it SCREAMS “I can’t figure out what to say.” Problem: Messaging.

And if you’re not strutting around on social, your blog, in emails, or wherever-floats-your-dress – you need more launches under your belt. Problem: Unproven offer.


So if Messaging is WHAT you say, Brand Voice is HOW you say it. This is where personality shows up first in your brand.

Yup, BEFORE the visual elements come in! You can have aaaaall the fun graphics and colors, but if your copy is exclusively clear… you’re still boring.

Upgrading your offer with visual branding and no Brand Voice will be flaccid, to say the least.

After checking off those 4 qualifiers, you’re ready to rock & roll with brand-ifying your offer.

You can begin brainstorming here:

Step 1: Define your humor type.

Since you have a clear Brand Voice, you can self-audit your past content to see how you naturally express humor.

Are you witty, or sarcastic? Or maybe your humor is stealthy and contextual? Know thyself, baby.

If your humor is dry and “like a British version of The Office,” as a client once told me – you won’t be able to embody a brand with poop jokes.

Creating boundaries around this creative process with help TONS.

(More in a blog post coming soon…)

Step 2: Create a theme direction.

Themes make copywriting easy and in this blog post, we workshop how to break down your personal brand into a bunch of little themes.

This practice might help you picture how micro-themes, or mini-brands around your offer can contribute to your bigger brand.

Selecting a single theme direction is the first large decision you’ll make in brand-ifying your offer.

In Step 1, my example client decided to run with a 90s rave theme for her offer. It works with her relevant messaging because her program promises her clients will create raving… (get itttt?) results for their clients.

Not too cheesy, but lots of room to create and expand. In the moment, she created a playground for her offer.

Read more about theme building here.

Step 3: Land on an offer name.

Your offer name probably sucks, but it’s not your fault. Someone told you that you should name it something ~clear~ so people would know what the program is about.

But that’s all wrong.

Your offer name’s job is NOT to clearly communicate what the program’s about.

That’s your Messaging’s job – and we already tackled that. BOOM.

Your offer name’s purpose is BRAND BUILDING, hence why we need it to brand-ify your offer.

I created a step-by-step breakdown on how to name your offer or program here. You can totally old school this, or even use my AI prompts and tips to bring along ChatGPT.

Brand-ifying your offer is the next step to launching bigger & better. And by better, I mean hitting your sales goals before even going into your public launch phase.

Say whaaaaaa.

You don’t need to focus on audience building when you double-down on an offer, brand-ify it and optimize your launching element with sales psychology.

Join my email list for more profitable copy strategies – minus the #girlboss garnish.

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Humor Marketing Coach for creators, service providers, coaches and your mom.

And you SHOULD, which is why I use humor to help creators get their edge in tHe SpAcE.

Humor makes us human and helps us connect with others, which is the underlying foundation of brand building – and sales!

Humor is serious business, and how you can charm and disarm their way to profit and authority.

I’m Emelie—aka the head honcho

Everyone and their mother’s cousin’s guinea pig is trying to sTaNd OuT.

 I ain’t a guinea pig!

And with all these beige blob brands, it shouldn’t be that hard…

But you've been fed “cLeAr > cLeVer” marketing advice through a feeding tube since your business was born. It’s bullsh*t. And it doesn’t work.

You can be clear AND clever.