Do You Need a Copywriting Mentor if You Have a Business Coach?

Brand Voice, Messaging

After releasing my Q1 availability, a few folks hit me back with questions so they could decide what projects to tackle and folks to hire in 2024.


When I write FAQs with clients for their offers, I make sure we include a few types of Qs:

  1. A question people ask. (duh)
  2. A question you wish people asked. (interesting…)
  3. A question you don’t want to answer. (WHAT IN TARNATION)

This blog post covers an FAQ that falls under #3. So if you like to watch people squirm, too bad I didn’t sell live Zoom tickets where you could watch my facial expressions as I write this.

(Talk about diversifying income…)

THE question:

I’m working with x-business coach in 2024. Do I really need a copywriting mentor too?

No. You don’t.

But you should.

Now that you’re confused… we’re going to cover Business Coach vs Copywriting Mentor so you can decide what’s the best choice for your situation.

Then, I’ll help you figure out what to look for in a copy mentor if that’s the adventure you choose.

As a copywriter, I’ve worked with a bunch of other copywriters and can pass on a tip or two. Although, ideally, YOU CHOOSE ME.

I know I’m not trickin’ anyone here. 😉

Should you hire a business coach, or a copywriting mentor?

A business coach will help you with your business from a macro-perspective. You’ll analyze your business holistically and likely cover more ground, but at a surface level.

This is *chefs kiss* if you’re not sure how all the pieces go together and/or you need general support across-the-board.

I’ve been in business for years, but still work off & on with a business coach. Don’t mistaken this hire for rookies only! It can be a great choice if you need overarching clarity and someone to chime in who has walked the road before.

Lastly, some folks sorta “niche down” into a specific skill or goal – like a Marketing Business Coach or a Human Design Business Coach. Sometimes it’s even platform-specific, like an Instagram Business Coach.

A copywriting mentor will work with you on copy within your business. You’re probably like “duh, Emelie” – but this is an important distinction to make.

Lot of folks want to ask me content creation questions, like how they should plan their content per platform and how to repurpose it all.

While I will offer my own content creation plan, I don’t know if it’ll do sh*t for you! I’m the first to connect clients & prospects with actual experts in that arena.

I’m not a [insert social platform here] algorithm guru.
I’m a word guru.

When we work together, I am promising you these things:

  • You’ll get the WORDS right, regardless of where you post/share/graffiti them. (Don’t tag me in vandalism, though.)
  • You’ll learn how to write your own copy EASILY.
  • You’ll make MORE MONEY by writing your own copy than hiring someone to do it for you.

You want to hire me if you need help with messaging, sales copywriting, and email marketing.

When we work together, it’s truly done-with-you. I’m not writing a sales page on your behalf or giving you tips on a better one-off email.

We look at your business as a whole, get cozy with each element of your messaging and how it relates to your audience, talk about your personality and humor types, and more.

What to look for in a copywriting mentor…

Let’s get the obvious ones knocked out:

  • Do you enjoy their writing? Join their email list, read their blog and every page on their website, stalk their social media – hell, send ‘em a 1:1 email to see how they write to you as an individual! We want to hire people who are embodying whatever-the-heck they’re selling. Even if it’s “just” words.

  • Are you attracted to them compatible? If you were in the Pods on Love is Blind, would you propose? There’s gotta be chemistry, baby, and it’s non-optional for you to feel like you can be YOU when working together. A good chunk of copywriting is Brand Voice – can you see yourself being vulnerable and relaxed as you work through developing/refining your writing personality?

This one is craaaazy overlooked, but I think it should be in the Obvious Department:

  • Can and will they share references? Anyone can BS a testimonial or manipulate screenshot street cred to post online. Who knows if Gretchen Gatsby is a real client, or if Fredrick Fischner actually quadrupled his launch sales 30 mins after his new sales page went live.

A credible copywriter mentor can connect you directly with happy clients and will be pumped to send you somewhere to hear about how much of a word slayer they are.

Next, let’s breakdown the two parts of “copywriting mentor.”


What kind of copy are you struggle bussing with? Consider your upcoming projects and moments that make you want to start picking those split ends. (You really shouldn’t do that…)

Are you trying to write a sales page? Start a blog? Write a series of launch emails?

Copy comes in many shapes and sizes, so it’s helpful to figure out what sort of copy you need help with first.

Even though you’re reading this killer blog post (thanks btw!), I specialize in sales copy. So if your project needs to capture, keep, and convert someone’s eyeballs – I’m your gal. If you’re starting a blog, I’d send you to my pal Natty.


Here’s a question I don’t like to ask within a question I don’t like to answer:


Do you want to outsource, or learn how to write your own copy?

You’re the best person to write your own copy, but be intellectually honest with yourself for a moment.

A copywriting mentor isn’t going to encourage you to write x and then step in to do it for you because you feel stuck.

We will ask you deeper questions, offer more prompts, and coach you through until you get something on-the-screen. And if it’s dog sh*t, we’re going to offer alternatives and re-work the copy.

At the end of working together, you walk away with more than deliverables like a sales page or launch emails. You walk away with a SKILL and an independent ability to write copy that converts without hiring a copywriting every single time.

Unless you want to!

Having a co-creator can be the single element that pushes you to write better copy, get the job done, put out a higher quality pitch, and make more sales.

But the point is that you’ll have THE OPTION.

A copywriting mentor can pass on the skills you need so you’re never in a copy bind again. And hey, if you want the Word Body Doubling – that’s just icing on the cinnamon roll.

(I hate cake, come at me.)

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Humor Marketing Coach for creators, service providers, coaches and your mom.

And you SHOULD, which is why I use humor to help creators get their edge in tHe SpAcE.

Humor makes us human and helps us connect with others, which is the underlying foundation of brand building – and sales!

Humor is serious business, and how you can charm and disarm their way to profit and authority.

I’m Emelie—aka the head honcho

Everyone and their mother’s cousin’s guinea pig is trying to sTaNd OuT.

 I ain’t a guinea pig!

And with all these beige blob brands, it shouldn’t be that hard…

But you've been fed “cLeAr > cLeVer” marketing advice through a feeding tube since your business was born. It’s bullsh*t. And it doesn’t work.

You can be clear AND clever.