Using AI for Writing Copy (Tips from a Copywriter)

Brand Voice, Messaging

We need to settle on an emoji to use as an AI Alley symbol. That way, creatives can instantly know if the coach/service provider they’re about to hire is pro-AI or a hater.

We’ll put it in our Instagram bios and email sign-offs.

Is using the robot emoji too on-the-nose? Probably.

A lot of copywriters straight-up diss AI. And others sell $25 ChatGPT prompts that don’t do sh*t. (We’ll get to that.)

I use ChatGPT daily. Aaaaand because I use up my tokens quickly, I actually opened a SECOND account.

I’m a talk-it-out gal, so I use ChatGPT daily to brainstorm and ideate.

When writing my prompt, I ask it to take on specific “roles” so I can get the most out of my brainstorming session.

If I’m working through sales copy, I want to talk to a copywriter with a sales background. Or maybe if I’m trying to optimize my Custom Instructions, I’ll ask for ChatGPT to act as an AI expert who specializes in Custom Instructions.

Co-creation is a large component of my copywriting services, and I use AI to provide the same support for myself. I run a prompt a few times, maybe with some tweaks. After a handful of outputs, I’ll play “take what ya want & leave the rest.”

I workshop the snippets of copy, rearrange the content, and fill in what I need.

This might sound like extra work, but it’s a lower barrier to entry than writing from scratch.

A lot of folks making it sound so easy to use ChatGPT for copywriting. So you sit down, open ‘er up, and realize you’re not quite getting the caliber of content you were promised.

Even if you’re fire at prompting, it’s simply not enough. It’s likely because you need at least one of these tips:

Set up your Brand Voice.

If you want ChatGPT to “sound like you,” YOU need to know what you sound like. AI can’t read your mind or grasp your personality from vague descriptors like “playful,” or “empathetic.”

If you can’t explain your own Brand Voice in a tangible way, you can’t expect to get copy that sounds like you. Start by documenting your own Brand Voice and feeding it to ChatGPT through your prompt or Custom Instructions.

Prompt with your Messaging.

A lot of folks think ChatGPT can fix their sales problem by requesting “high converting sales copy,” but can’t write their own.

This is a big boy problem because AI needs your sales strategy and Messaging to generate copy for you. It needs to understand your audience, your brand, and individual offers.

If YOU don’t know it, you’ll have a weak ass prompt with sad results. Start by creating the Messaging for your brand and offers. Then you can feed it to ChatGPT when it’s time to write sales copy.

Heavily edit the final product.

Even with top-notch prompting and set-up, you’ll need to workshop the copy output.

Because of AI “hallucinations,” there’s always going to be inaccurate and assumed content. Plus, ChatGPT will pummel you with its favorite form of figurative language: analogies.

Deconstruct the copy – never use it as-is. Run through this lil checklist before hitting publish:

  • Destroy the back-to-back analogies, or cheesy alliterations.
  • No passive language. Make sure to keep it in active voice, people!
  • Watch out for themes laid on thiiiiick. Tone down the “clever,” which most folks equate to personality. It’s not.
  • Make sure you’re hitting on your brand/offer’s promise – which you should create around your audience’s desire.
  • Ditch the emojis you don’t usually use — less is more. Or just ditch all of ‘em.
  • Talk to 1 person. AI likes to be like “hey galaxy warriors!”
  • Read it aloud and make sure it sounds like you.
  • Trim out/down the questions. Starting off an email, specifically, with a Q is a big ChatGPT red flag.
  • Break up the text to make it skimmable.

ChatGPT is all the hype, but these tips and checklist can turn it into a powerhouse tool for your content creation.

But it doesn’t stop at killer emails and website copy – it extends into your service names!

Join the AI Naming Hoedown, where we teach you to use AI to name your offers. We’ll skip the #girlboss jargon and teach you how to use ChatGPT to turn naming conventions into an opportunity to build your brand!

Grab your ticket here.

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Humor Marketing Coach for creators, service providers, coaches and your mom.

And you SHOULD, which is why I use humor to help creators get their edge in tHe SpAcE.

Humor makes us human and helps us connect with others, which is the underlying foundation of brand building – and sales!

Humor is serious business, and how you can charm and disarm their way to profit and authority.

I’m Emelie—aka the head honcho

Everyone and their mother’s cousin’s guinea pig is trying to sTaNd OuT.

 I ain’t a guinea pig!

And with all these beige blob brands, it shouldn’t be that hard…

But you've been fed “cLeAr > cLeVer” marketing advice through a feeding tube since your business was born. It’s bullsh*t. And it doesn’t work.

You can be clear AND clever.