The Outlawed List 5-Day course

This is a 5-day, email-based course to get your neglected email list off the back burner and back into the fold of your marketing plan.

Before you can start SELLING to your list, it needs to exist beyond that one time you wrote an email and your mom replied.

If your email list is like a tumbleweed blowin’ through a ghost town when you go to launch, it’ll show. You'll productize your email list so you can start growing it without building a freebie.

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what's inside

5 Daily emails

For five (5) days, you'll receive an email with a single step and Action Items to take your email list from dusty to growing – WITHOUT creating another freebie.

Templates & Samples

Your Notion Dash will house all of your templates, along with any copy tips and examples that might help you along the way.

Duplicate and add to your own Notion!

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The Outlawed List Course

Brush off thE cobwebs...