welcome sequence builder

The exact framework I use for MY welcome sequence!

Includes wireframes, instructions, and 💩  jokes.

We'll craft a welcome sequence to remind people who-the-heck you are, why you're in their inbox, oh – and why they should give you their moolah.

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what's inside

Email Wireframes

Your Welcome Sequence can be as short / long as you'd like, but I provide wireframes to guide you through writing five (5) emails. Each includes general instructions and an explanation of the email's strategy.

copywriting tips

As you write your emails, you'll learn handy copywriting tips. Each email wireframe is paired with a set of action items and pointers for how to write engaging emails that people actually wanna read.

My exact Email Samples

Instead of throwing a Mad Libs-style template at you, I pair each wireframe with the corresponding email from MY Welcome Sequence. You'll be able to see the approach in action to help you write your own. F gatekeeping, y'know?

Automation instructions

Lots of folks get their panties in a twist about how to logistically deliver the goods (AKA, the freebie) and roll out the Welcome Sequence. From the get-go, I walk you through how to tackle those automations / workflows.

hype for


Remind folks who you are!