3 Ways to Make Writing Your Own Copy Easier

Email Marketing, Messaging

You’re the best person to write your own copy.

Words are for eeeeeveryone – you don’t need to hire an expert copywriter to do it for you.

NOBODY knows your brand, offer or services like you do.

That’s why when you do hire a copywriter, they spend so much time trying to suck all of that out of your brain and heart.

Cause we’re trying to access something nobody else can touch.

We can’t write your copy without it!

But you ALREADY have access to all that, you’re just missing some sales copy skills and structure.

Copy shouldn’t be a business luxury, so I’m here to make it stupid easy to learn to write your own.

The thing is: creatives make their best work within structure.

You need bumpers like direction, frameworks and deadlines – right?

Here are the 3 ways I create structure so I can write better within my own business:

1. I templatize the content I regularly create.

Each week, I write three (3) emails for The Copy Cantina:

  1. An expanded version of Monday’s blog post
  2. A standard newsletter
  3. The “catch-all” newsletter

When I content plan each month, I populate the appropriate Notion template for each email onto the cal.

There’s a template for each email that includes a few resources and an outline of what goes in each email.

As a result, I spend less brain calories per email! That means I can knock it out faster, stay more consistent and I never procrastinate the task.

2. I use a 7-line messaging cheatsheet.

A 13-page Google Doc of organized bullet points isn’t a messaging strategy – but that’s a rant for a different blog post.

But even if we pretended like it is, there’s NO WAY you’re going to regularly reference such a complicated document.

When I work with my students & clients, we always create a condensed version of their messaging strategy.

After working together, Hayley of Art for Big Feelings said:

“If you are looking to up-level your copywriting skills so that you can show up confidently and sell with ease and heaps of fun in your business, then Emelie is going to really get you there.

Not only did I walk away with a messaging cheatsheet that I use every single time I sit down and write, but Emelie has a real knack for helping you tune in to the patterns that you have. Personality Profits is excellent. I’d do it again in a heartbeat!”

Instead of sitting down and hoping your messaging will STICK, and instead of pulling up a Google Doc you’re aimlessly scrolling through – you can have a 7-line cheatsheet.

I place this within my copy templates as well.

3. I write with bullet points & focus on editing.

One of my best copywriting tips is to stop worrying about being a great writer.

If you’re writing to sell a service, offer or product – you need to focus on being a great COMMUNICATOR.

That’s how you become your own best sales person.

Communicating the value of your offer or brand means you have to actually get things from your head to onto-the-screen.

The first step is simply brain dumping it all out.

Before I write, I pick a single focus point and that’s done in tandem to checking my messaging cheatsheet.

Then I use bullet points to keep my mind from trying to connect thoughts and write perfect segues.

AFTER you get it all out, you can go back and connect the dots.

Writing good copy is about staying focused, getting your thoughts organized and editing them together.

Using bullet points positions you to think about being a good editor > writer.

Since you have EVERYTHING you need to write your own copy, try implementing structure in the areas that create the most friction.

Make it as low-lift as possible to get started!

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Humor Marketing Coach for creators, service providers, coaches and your mom.

And you SHOULD, which is why I use humor to help creators get their edge in tHe SpAcE.

Humor makes us human and helps us connect with others, which is the underlying foundation of brand building – and sales!

Humor is serious business, and how you can charm and disarm their way to profit and authority.

I’m Emelie—aka the head honcho

Everyone and their mother’s cousin’s guinea pig is trying to sTaNd OuT.

 I ain’t a guinea pig!

And with all these beige blob brands, it shouldn’t be that hard…

But you've been fed “cLeAr > cLeVer” marketing advice through a feeding tube since your business was born. It’s bullsh*t. And it doesn’t work.

You can be clear AND clever.