Speak to These 4 Consumer Personalities in Your Sales Funnel

Email Marketing, Launching

You’re overcomplicating your sales funnels.

I bet you my kids’ bag(s) of Halloween candy that you’re doing 1 of 2 things:

  1. You’re piecing together random emails about your program with a CTA. (Cause CTA = sales email, right?!)
  2. You’re overthinking the strategy of each, individual email and gave up – time to hire the copywriter to step in cause you’re waaaaay above your head! (You’re not btw)

Either way, I want you to learn to trust yourself to make the sales and be strategic. Not overbearing and hard on yourself.

Some people buy quickly. Some people drag their asses. Then, there’s everyone in between.

Selling to PEOPLE can be tricky business.

Your job: make your sales funnel check all their boxes, kiss babies, make money.

Everyone falls somewhere on the spectrum, so let’s smack some labels on folks because people loooooove to be labeled.

Starting at the top, your shortest sales process belongs to…

Choleric Buyers

These are rapid decision-makers.

If you can give them the quick & dirty rundown, they’re in. Your content should answer the question, “What can you do to solve my problem?”

Keep it short – they’re looking for the CTA.

Email format and content suggestions for the Choleric Buyer:

  • Bullet Points
  • Short-Form Content
  • List of Inclusions
  • Price Point & Info

Next up: our golden retrievers.

Phlegmatic Buyers

Their customer journey is on the shorter end as well, but they’re more interested in an energy match.

Phlegmatic Buyers value personal relationships before agreeing to join your program.

They want to be friends and don’t need the hard facts – they like the WHY and want to feel like your content speaks deeply to them on an individual level.

Email format and content suggestions for the Phlegmatic Buyer:

  • Brand Story
  • Your POV
  • Client Stories
  • Invitation to Chat 1:1

Onto last 2 buyers who have an even longer sales process:

Sanguine Buyers

These are relationship-oriented folks and could be mistaken for our Phlegmatics. They’re also focused on the 1:1, but more decisive like a Choleric Buyer.

Use your content to help them learn more to make an educated choice and “see” the big picture.

They want your interaction to be personalized and to feel recognized. Remember to answer, “Who else have you helped solve this problem?”

Email format and content suggestions for the Sanguine Buyer:

  • Testimonials
  • Benefits > Features
  • Share External Relevant Content
  • Promises/Guarantees (only ones you can keep!)

Melancholy Buyers

These are analysts and they’re hungry for the fine print! Take them through the process – details are king and data is sexy. Who woulda thunk?

Skip fluffy content and jargon for substance. They’re thoughtful thinkers, but business is business and they don’t appreciate being pushed or pressured.

Answer the question, “How does this thing work?”

Email format and content suggestions for the Melancholy Buyer:

  • Case Studies
  • How it Works
  • FAQs
  • Authority Content

How to write your sales funnel to check the boxes for each consumer personality.

If you have 6 emails, layout your content like so:

Email #1

  • Buyer: All
  • Length: Whatever-floats-your-dress
  • Content: Storytelling + Intro

Email #2

  • Buyer: Choleric
  • Length: Short-ish
  • Content: Bullet Points/Facts

Email #3

  • Buyer: Phlegmatic
  • Length: Med
  • Content: Connection/Philosophical

Email #4

  • Buyer: Sanguine
  • Length: Med/Long
  • Content: Testimonial/Benefits

Email #5

  • Buyer: Melancholy
  • Length: Med/Long
  • Content: Details/Brand Promise/Story

Email #6

  • Buyer: Choleric
  • Length: Short
  • Content: Last Chance

Why it works:

You write to the shortest buying processor first, then work your way to the longest nurturer.

A Choleric Buyer might not read up to Email #6, while Sanguine or Melancholy needs a little… sales foreplay.

Final tip: Make sure to segment out buyers as they purchase or your overall open rate and engagement will drop.

You also might end up with annoyed Choleric Buyers who bought at Email #2 and really want you to leave them the crap alone…

Okay, now I’m just deflecting.

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Humor Marketing Coach for creators, service providers, coaches and your mom.

And you SHOULD, which is why I use humor to help creators get their edge in tHe SpAcE.

Humor makes us human and helps us connect with others, which is the underlying foundation of brand building – and sales!

Humor is serious business, and how you can charm and disarm their way to profit and authority.

I’m Emelie—aka the head honcho

Everyone and their mother’s cousin’s guinea pig is trying to sTaNd OuT.

 I ain’t a guinea pig!

And with all these beige blob brands, it shouldn’t be that hard…

But you've been fed “cLeAr > cLeVer” marketing advice through a feeding tube since your business was born. It’s bullsh*t. And it doesn’t work.

You can be clear AND clever.